Virtual Reality based therapy

Discover BeeVee™ - VR vision therapy for your practice

About Us

Who we are

NeuraSim is a company dedicated to advancing neuroscience through the application of virtual reality technology in healthcare treatment. Our team possesses a wealth of technical, clinical, and business expertise, enabling us to develop innovative healthcare solutions in the rapidly expanding meta world. One of our flagship products, Bee VeeTM, is a CE certified immersive virtual reality therapy that offers effective treatment options for Amblyopia (lazy eye), squint eyes, headache, and eye movement disorders.

We Take Care Of Your Life Healthy Health

The common definition of amblyopia reads: “Amblyopia is a reduction of visual acuity for which no organic cause can be found.” Over the years, various supplementary criteria have been added to the more general definition above and a more complete definition includes the following:

(Ohlsson, J. (2005))
  • subnormal visual acuity in one, or rarely both, eye(s)
  • an amblyogenic factor present during visual maturation
  • in unilateral amblyopia, an inter-ocular difference in visual acuity
  • no apparent organic cause
  • treatability

Patching is not enough! Discover BeeVee™ - VR vision therapy for your practice

Bee Vee

Amblyopia Treatment Modalities

  • Comprehensive Monocular Anti-suppression exercise (Three grades of binocular vision exercise)
  • Fusional Exercises
  • Dichoptic therapy
  • Enhanced Stereopsis training, Mobility training (Saccades & Pursuits) & Eye hand Coordination

Clinical Use Cases

BeeVee system is a therapeutic tool based on WELL KNOWN METHODOLOGY used in a traditional vision therapy . Therapy effectiveness depends primarily on the diagnostic accuracy and individualized parameters adjustments.

Virtual Reality based therapy

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Discover BeeVee™ - VR vision therapy for your practice

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