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Revolutionizing Amblyopia Care with Virtual Reality: Advanced Treatment for Children and Adults

Trusted by over + Medical Institutions Worldwide and impacted over + children's lives.

Don’t Miss the Vision Revolution – Watch BeeVee™ Shine on Shark Tank!.

NeuraSim on Shark Tank

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Caring for Your Health, Today and Always. Heart Icon

Understanding the problem!

Quote startAmblyopia, commonly known as "lazy eye," is a vision condition where one eye becomes weaker because the brain and the eye don’t work together properly. Over time, the brain starts relying on the stronger eye, while vision in the weaker eye worsens. This condition usually begins in childhood and is the most common cause of vision loss in kids, affecting about 3 in 100 children.Quote ends

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We are calling our flagship product BeeVee.

Virtual Reality based therapy

Discover BeeVee™ – VR vision therapy for your practice.

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Deeptech Immersive Therapy Modules & More !

Enhanced Compliance for Amblyopia through Gamification.

VR Therapy Collection

Gem Collection

Gem Collection

Hungry Fish

Hungry Fish

The Magic Hut

The Magic Hut

The Surprise Egg

The Surprise Egg

Underwater Treasures

Underwater Treasures

Sea Race

Sea Race

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Hear from Those Who've Seen arrow the Difference!

Dr. Vivek U Warkad
Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus, and Neuro-Ophthalmology
Miriam Hyman Children's Eye Care Centre, LVPEI, Bhubaneshwar